go rams!
Flat Rock Community High School #WARH
Hall of Fame Nomination Forms
Flat Rock Community Schools Hall of Fame
Criteria for Induction
- All nominees must have a completed nomination form submitted on their behalf by October 1st.
- Athletes must be at least 30 years old and a graduate of Flat Rock High School. Only athletic achievements as a Flat Rock High School athlete will be considered.
- Coaches must have completed at least 10 years of coaching at Flat Rock Community Schools.
- Administrators must have completed 10 years as an athletic administrator at Flat Rock Community Schools.
- Special Contributors will be considered at the discretion of the committee.
Nominations will be accepted for thirty days beginning September 1st. Nominees will be eligible for five years. Committee members are eligible for nomination and induction but must recuse themselves when voting. Nominees shall be solicited from the public. Nominees must be nominated by someone other than himself or herself. The first class will consist of ten inductees with another two “historical” inductees. No more than five inductees with an additional “historical” inductee will be inducted annually after the initial class of inductees. The Committee will meet in October annually to vote. A nominee must have a super majority (7 of 9) in order to be elected to the Hall of Fame.
The Induction Ceremony will be on campus at a Friday night basketball game followed by a dinner on Saturday night.
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Flat Rock Community Schools Hall of Fame, please contact Mr. Mike Wagner – Athletic Director at (734) 535 – 6696 or mwagner@flatrockschools.org.
Nominations are due no later than October 1st.