The athletic program at Flat Rock Community Schools has been established to provide opportunities for students to develop physical skills, to represent the school, to gain experiences in teamwork, and to develop sportsmanship. All eligible students of the Flat Rock Community School district shall have the opportunity to compete for positions on the athletic teams.
Athletic Department Staff
Athletic Director: Mike Wagner – 734.535.6600 /
SMS Athletic Director: Brandon Reaume – 734.535.6700 /
Athletic Coordinator: John Clair – 734.535.6660 /
Athletic Trainer: Bailey Liedel - 734-535-6600 /
MHSAA Sponsored Athletic Opportunities:
- Baseball
- Basketball (Boys & Girls)
- Bowling (Boys & Girls)
- Competitive Cheer
- Cross Country (Boys & Girls)
- Football
- Golf (Boys & Girls)
- Soccer (Boys & Girls)
- Softball
- Swimming (Boys & Girls)
- Track & Field (Boys & Girls)
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
NON-MHSAA Sponsored Athletic Activities
- Equestrian
- Figure Skating
- Sideline Cheer